pleco for 30 gallon tank

This includes plant-based snacks, sinking dry foods, and live foods. It’s not hard to see why. You might also notice some spots on their pectoral fins. Peppermint Pleco. Clown Plecos are a relatively low-maintenance species that can thrive for over a decade in captivity. That vibrant coloration is accompanied by a prominent dorsal fin and an equally-beautiful tail. my pleco also haswierd lighter colors on... My common pleco has weird white on his belly help. Though, they prefer live foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. Please do the right thing. Apart from an ordinary 30 gallon tank, there are also different specialized versions that include breeding, high and even wide tanks. Hiding places are essential for the Blue-Eyed Pleco as well. i have a cory cat and they are calm in my tropical tank They have also been known to eat invertebrates in the tank, so it’s best to keep them away from small snails and shrimp. Most have a dark body that’s colored black, brown, or gray. Unlike other types of plecos, Candy Striped Plecos usually won’t uproot plants. It’s safe for both salt- and also freshwater fish as well as it features a considerable warranty. They feed on algae constantly. Plecos can be up to 15-24 inches long when they're fully grown. Don’t worry, this is perfectly healthy. Even when the fin is down, it reaches back almost to the caudal peduncle. They are best-suited for community tanks where all of the other fish stay towards the middle and upper parts of the water column. Though, somewhere in the middle of that range is ideal. They need a lot of driftwood. The water is soft but on the acidic side. That said, these fish are known to jump into action and get aggressive when their claimed territory is crossed. The Vampire Pleco has a long slender body with some prominent fins. As for pH balance, it should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Other common names for this fish are the rubber lipped pleco and the rubbernose pleco. It’s sporting alternating stripes of black and yellow. That said, you’ll need to supplement their diet with algae wafers, sinking food pellets, and the occasional protein-packed live food. Luckily, these fish aren’t very picky at all and will eat anything you provide. Yes and no. The extra filtration makes it easier to keep the tank clean. Since the bristlenose pleco mainly stays near the bottom of the tank, would it be okay in a 20-long ? The fish may come out to eat during feeding time, but even that can be too much to handle. I was told that the pleco would do fine in my 5 gallon with 2 other little fish. BEST SUITED AS: A general bottom-feeder for community tanks over about 30-45 gallons. Pleco type (Common or not) - Please read first. Please take the goldfish out it will get stunted in that tank and die, if you put it in a 20 or 30 gallon tank it will be much happier and you could even give it some friends if you put it in a bigger tank (they like to be in groups, and for a few of them you should have a 55 gallon tank or bigger). It’s not particularly difficult to keep these fish healthy, but their natural habitat calls for a very specific tank setup. They will scour the tank to eat as much as they can. Nicole, if you really love the pleco, please rehome him once he outgrows the 40 gallon, or get a bigger tank (you will need at least a 75 gallon). This could mean dropping sinking foods near hiding spots. My two other fish have since died and my pleco has gotten huge. And even though a 30 Gallon may SEEM minimum for him at full grown with adequate filtration...he will need a bigger tank to thrive. The fish enjoys spending its time hiding underneath driftwood any cave-like structures. Also, plecos, goldfish, or any other fish do not "grow to the size of the tank." He is about 5 years old and seemed to be happy until recently. However, to help your fish reach its full size and potential you’ll need at least 150 gallons! That strong current is meant to replicate the strong flow of their native waters. Bristlenose Plecos are quite hardy and can adapt to a wide range of water parameters. Common plecos will get over a foot long so eventually you will have to upgrade tanks or return him/her. These rivers undergo a fair amount o… Like most types of plecos, this species is a big fan of algae. I rescued it from a friends tank that had not been cleaned in over a year. The common pleco has the potential to grow to a couple of feet and is only appropriate for truly huge aquariums. However, they can get territorial with other bottom-dwelling species. They like temperatures between 73 and 82 degrees as well as a pH balance in the neighborhood of 6.8 to 7.6. Named after their enormous dorsal fins, Sailfin Plecos are stunning to look at. Do u think I will have to return him eventually or will he stay a reasonable size. The Bristlenose Pleco is certainly a standout species when it comes to appearance. Yet, they’ll still require some supplemental food like vegetables, wafers, and live food. A Rubber Lip Pleco can clean a whole 30-gallon fish tank from algae by itself. Alright, so I'm spinning in circles trying to decide on a pleco for my soon-to-exist 29 or 36 gallon tank. No pleco should be in less than 30 gallons and the common pleco needs 75+. There’s a lot of variety with this species, so you never really know what you’re going to get. I have a common pleco in my 30 gallon tank and don't know how big he will get. In captivity, waters should have a pH balance between 5.8 and 7.6. these guys can get to 2 feet i keep one in a 220 gallon tank. They are not exclusive algae-eaters however; this is another omnivore that needs about equal parts … Upgrade to about a 30 gallon and then you are talking. There are a few different variations of colors and patterns you can find, and all of them look great! This type of pleco is very low-maintenance and a lot of fun to care for. If you don't his growth will become stunted and he will have a very slow and painful death. Warmer temperatures between 72 and 86 degrees are preferred as well. Not only that, but they need fast-moving waters to stay healthy. They have a wider head than most other pleco species. This is also very common with goldfish. The same behavior occurs when they’re kept in tanks with a dark substrate, too. The Sunshine Pleco is not known to uproot or eat live plants. Even smaller species, like rubber-lipped plecos, should be in a tank of at least 30 gallons. Because they eat so much, these fish produce a lot of waste. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This means warm water and a relatively neutral pH balance. We love the appearance of this fish. On the other hand, bristlenose plecos grow to only about three inches, so a ten gallon tank should be able to accommodate a couple plus a few smaller fish like miniature rasboras or celestial pearl danios. Not only will they eat the algae off the wood, but they may even chow down on the wood itself! They like dark caves and the cover provided by driftwood or plants. Natural habitats are a must for the Sailfin Pleco. They need 65g minumum I think, I would rehome and get a bristlenose pleco. Without it, the fish could become stressed and ill. I have a 10 gallon tank with about a 4 cm long common Pleco is that ok? Bristlenose Pleco Tank Conditions. To keep these fish healthy, it’s best to replicate those conditions as closely as possible. They are much more active at night. They will instantly camouflage themselves whenever the sun is too bright. The fish do best in a tank that’s heavily decorated with rocks and driftwood. Also, "rubberlips" is a common name interchangeable with "bulldog" and "rubbernose" for the same pleco (C. thomsoni). Alternative stripes of staunch black and vibrant white cover their entire bodies. These fish look similar to Gold Nugget Plecos, but they are an entirely different species with some notable distinctions. I just read that a small tank could hurt them, but I really don't want to get rid of him because I've become attached! Common Pleco. you read and agreed to the, A Visual Perspective on a Common Pleco's Size. Gold Nugget Plecos are unfussy when it comes to both water conditions and food. This includes the large head and pronounced pectoral and anal fins. The fish is quite beautiful. Pitbull Pleco . Their base color is dark brown or black. The pleco is ok...but consider a Dwarf Pleco and some Cory Cats. This species can primarily be found in the Magdalena River in Columbia and the Apure River in Venezuela. The oto cats can do well in a 10 gallon. Unlike other fish species, Sunshine Plecos hold on to their color throughout their life. The main difference is in the dimensions and the purpose of each individual tank. They are nocturnal by nature, so don’t expect to see much of them during the day. These fish have heads that are covered in spindly bristles. This is thanks, in large part, to their difficult habitat requirements. The Rubber Lip Pleco is a great choice for aquarists of all experience levels. These bottom-dwelling fish are known for their healthy appetite for algae. As for food, these algae-eating plecos are omnivores. On their heads, these fish have a sizable sucker mouth surrounded by four whiskers. If you get a 20 gallon tank, buy a filter for a 30 or 40 gallon tank. Males are known to fight with other males of the same. These rays can easily get caught in nets, so exercise caution when moving these fish. Those lines run laterally. They have that iconic sucker mouth like other species. Some slight aggression is possible, but the fish are generally shyer than anything else. A big reason for that is their coloration. Common pleco not moving after tank flush! During the day, they’ll keep to themselves at the bottom of the tank. Bulldog/rubberlip get 5 inches. Let’s jump straight into the Bristlenose Care specifics… The Bristlenose Pleco will be absolutely fine in a 30 gallon tank, but because of their size, and the amount of food that they consume, they do produce a large amount of waste. Adult Common Plecos need a tank size of 75 to 80 gallons at the very minimum. This is an eye-catching type of pleco that’s highly sought-after in the fish community. Size: 1–2 feet (30–60 cm) Common Name: Common Pleco, armoured sucker-mouth Pleco Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons (378L) Diet: Feeds on algae and plant material, use algae wafers too. I can not have a larger tank though… the pleco seems to be doing very well though. The only place you won’t find the plates is on the abdomen. They can live for quite a long time too, which makes them great for any aquarist looking to really build a bond with the species they keep. The base color is adorned with small light spots, mimicking the night sky. I bought a pleco from pet smart about 7 months ago. There are so many beautiful plecos.My favorite are the bristle nose pleco which get to be 6 inches long. The base color of most Clown Plecos is going to be black. Please help for the well being of the tank and my pleco. Their diet should consist of a lot of variety. A standard 30 gallon fish tank will usually measure 36¼″ x 12 5/8″ x 16 ¾″ (L x W x H). Clown plecos get about 5 inches. As a result, they will need ample space and plenty of hiding spots to avoid aggression. This tributary is the largest blackwater river in the world. If you plan on starting small, these fish do well in tanks that can hold up to 30 gallons when they’re juveniles. The Rio Xingu is a fast-moving river. To keep Butterfly Plecos healthy, a strong filtration system is essential. To get the most out of their color, it’s recommended to keep the tank relatively dark and somber. Reply. Simply reach out to us on Facebook or through our website and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Keep the aquarium decorated, with lots of cover or use fast-growing plants. The base color is usually black, gray, or reddish-brown. Common myths about salt use in Freshwater fish tanks, How big will a common pleco get in a 90 fallen tank, Pleco 101: Types of plecos, what to feed them and how to breed them. The Angels need at least 30 Gallon...and the Clown Loaches will get big. They require temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. There are several variations of the Birstlenose Pleco out there, but most are going to have a dark base color covered in a series of lighter dots. They usually have a light grey base color that’s accompanied by dark striped lines. They’re quite vibrant and can reflect a lot of light depending on the conditions. It has to be able to hold it's own with 2 Tiger Oscars and a Flower Horn Pitbull Pleco. Also, consider that the Rubber Lip Pleco is quite cheap compared to the others on this list. These are some of the largest plecos around. This combo set includes the fish tank itself, a reflector, and also a 24 ″ light fixture. However, their buccal teeth are much more visible. Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons; 10. They are natural bottom-dwellers that need plenty of decorations to stay healthy. We recommend thinking about the condition and tank size you can provide, and go from there. Like most plecos, these fish are covered in protective bony plates. They’re unique, easy to care for, and fun to observe. The thing that makes them unique is their ability to camouflage. they keep the tank clean as much as they can. As long as no sudden water changes occur, they can do just fine in standard conditions. I have a common pleco in my 30 gallon tank and don't know how big he will g... By entering this site you declare Originally found in Brazil, the Gold Nugget Pleco has quickly become one of the most popular pleco species out there. Will my common goldfish be okay in a 30 gallon tank for now? Largely nocturnal, the Leopard Frog Pleco tends to be relaxed throughout the day. Bristlenose get 5 inches. Driftwood acts as their hiding space, play space, and even food source. These fish eat a lot of aquarium algae and will spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank (no surprise there). They also enjoy a stronger current where possible. Candy Striped Plecos are known to be a bit territorial when kept with other bottom dwellers. If you’re having trouble deciding and want to throw some questions our way, feel free! The industry standard minimum tank for any of the plecos is a 25-30 gallon. They do fine in standard tropical freshwater habitats. They’re covered in large thick armor plates that are colored gray. I have an 11 inch pleco that I think may be too big for my 55-gallon tank. plecos are good to have and if it gets too big for the tank, just bring it back to the store and trade it or replace it with another smaller pleco. The stripes are even found on their large dorsal and caudal fins. Will it be all right to keep it. The main body of the fish is spotted. no there are no species that can live in a 10g tank.most of them require at least 30 gallons.but it is still small.not even the smallest type can live int hat tank.but an otto can live in looks very alike to a pleco though.but there is no specie that can live in a tank that small. That is good that you thought about that because lots of times bigger fish will get stunted growth in a smaller tanks and die. That's what I can think off the top oof my head. As you can guess, these fish have stunning blue eyes. Rubber lip plecos (Chaetostoma milesi) are a freshwater fish that come from South America. They do very well with algae wafers and blanched vegetables. It may also be dark brown or black depending on the variant. As a result of those limitations, Royal Plecos can be a bit territorial by nature. This was my 5 year old pleco, he died a few days ago. It’s not because they are particularly active. They do like to eat algae, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that’s all they need. If you’re interested in learning about the most popular types of plecos, then you’ve come to the right place. Now that you know a bit more about the common types of plecos to keep in an aquarium, it’s time to think about which ones you like the most. One of the coolest physical features of the Vampire Pleco is its eyes. The dots are placed against a lighter base color, resulting in a cool leopard-like effect. They are more pronounced with male specimens, covering a good portion of the head. The dorsal, pectoral, and anal fins are all expansive. For the most part, these plecos are calm and solitary. However, some specimens will have the opposite, such as a lighter base color and dark black spots. The fish uses it to graze for algae and to hide during their inactive hours. Umm, clown, rubberlip, butterfly(peckoltia pulcher), otocinclus(not a pleco but you could have 20, they stay 2") This is accompanied by irregular patches of yellow. How long does it take a common pleco to grow to it's full size? The Rio Xingu is a fast-moving river. The Pitbull Plecos are probably the smallest plecos in this category: they only grow to 3 inches big. Goldfish: You can keep one goldfish in your 20-gallon tank, and nothing else. Because they come from a darker environment, Snowball Plecos will spend a lot of time in hiding. Many times, the differences between the fish come down to the specific area they come from in the wild. They require twice-daily feedings. Also known as the Imperial Tiger Pleco, the Leopard Frog Pleco is an undemanding fish that can adapt to a wide range of environments. Will he be ok in my tank? The tips of the fins and belly of the fish take on an orange hue, giving the fish its unique name. Of course, supplemental live and dry food is a must. It’s when the lights go out that they truly become active. These fish are big thrashers, so they can do some damage to any fish that picks on them. They will find a spot they like and stick to that area. It's a common pleco and it'... How can i tell what sex my common pleco is i have read that ... How to upgrade from a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon tank. That said, they have been known to get a bit territorial. But, thin yellow or orange stripes break up that black color nicely. In terms of shape, the Gold Nugget Pleco fits the standard pleco profile. Would a 120 litre tank be big Enough for 4 goldfish and a bristlenose pleco?????? The Snowball Pleco is covered in white or yellow spots. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Their profile is similar to other plecos species. They can feed on them, but this behavior usually only occurs when they’re not being fed correctly. a pleco is a great fish to have in a 10 gallon. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Sailfin Plecos have a healthy appetite. These fish are covered in bright yellow spots. Typically found throughout the Amazon Basin, Royal Plecos are an interesting addition to your home tank. Hi - Hopefully I am on the right forum. The Pleco can get up to 18 inches...and usually get close to that. Oto cats are not a pleco. These types of plecos are great algae eaters that need plenty of driftwood to stay healthy. As for the head, the most identifying feature is their large, bulbous red eyes! My pleco is not sucking anything please help!!! In addition to algae, they will need some protein-rich snacks to stay healthy. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. A good diet consisting of live and frozen food is always preferred. They make great additions to community tanks. As their name would suggest, these fish have a color pattern that matches that of a zebra. It helps them blend in with rocks in the wild. These fish have very healthy appetites. Overall, Vampire Plecos are peaceful. Do u think I will have to return him eventually or will he stay a reasonable size. However, vibrancy can change in poor water conditions. Candy Striped Plecos can be found living in the lower parts of the Amazon River Basin. Plants, while not necessary, are good with this species. They are not very active during the day, so those natural hideouts are important. That’s not the only unique thing about this fish. Despite their attention-grabbing looks, the Zebra Pleco is surprisingly shy. 30 Gallon Fish Tank Dimensions. Is my common pleco male or female? We know that with so many great options out there it can be hard to make a decision. They also need hiding places, which you can create with rocks and plants. A 20 gallon tank is perfect for a male female pair of bristlenose plecos! The eyes dilate according to light levels, which can be an interesting thing to watch. With all fish, you need to make sure their habitat is not overcrowded or overpopulated. They do eat algae, and get about 2 inches. Peppermint Plecos spend their time latching onto rocks at the bottom of the river. Please help for the well being of the tank and my pleco. The SeaClear Acrylic Fish Tank Combo Establish is our top choice for 30-gallon fish tanks. In addition to algae, you can find them snacking on leftover fish food at the bottom of the tank. Native to Colombia, the Blue-Eyed Pleco is not for the faint of heart. The 20-gallon LONG tank has the same footprint, but it's 6" shorter. The body coloration is beautiful, too. They only appear to because they die when they are overcrowded or in too small of a tank, but they continue to … These are colorful plecos that look very intimidating. These beautiful scavengers are quickly becoming a popular choice for aquarists. A dark-gray or brownish base color is broken up by thick white dots. I would hate to get rid of it, he’s used to me now, I can tell when feeding time comes around. If you want a “hard working” fish, the Rubber Lip Pleco might be a good choice. A 30-gallon tank has a 30x12 footprint. They are sporting a series of condensed dots. The cool thing is that those colors can change based on the lighting conditions! Oftentimes, owners have to feed these fish in areas of the tank they don’t feel threatened. Naturally found in Rio Xingu in Brazil, the Peppermint Pleco has some unique care requirements. All that said, they are prone to some light aggression whenever another fish encroaches on their territory. Larger is always better with the Common Pleco. So, you’ll need to create a relatively strong stream and provide plenty of rocks for the fish to hide in. The base color is broken up with several tiny white dots. Like the Clown Pleco, Rubbernose Plecos are some of the most common smaller plecos available. Clown Plecos are named for the distinct stripes they’re covered with. This list will help you learn about each type and species, so you can decide which ones you might want for your own tank! All get to about 5 inches, and would not be well suited for a 10 gallon tank for life due to bioload and swimming room. The rest of their body is relatively muted. It’s not particularly difficult to keep these fish healthy, but their natural habitat calls for a very specific tank setup. Here is another pleco species with a lot of variation when it comes to color. Butterfly Plecos are a fun fish species to watch. Common base colors include brown, gray, black, or olive green. This family of fish is a staple in the aquarium community for a number of reasons. What are some good plecos other than the bristlenose pleco good for a 40 gallon breeder tank? Learn more. The Snowball Pleco helms from the Rio Negro in Venezuela. In fact, these fish are nocturnal and will hide out during the day. Setup: These fish eat plants and love wood. They will do pretty well in a 30 or 40 gallon tank as well actually if your intentions are for them as algae scrubbers. When erect, the dorsal fin is very tall and covers a lot of surface area. They are cheap (usually under a dollar a fish) don't require a heater, tolerate a wider range of water conditions, and will grow to impressive dimensions. These plecos are omnivores. However Google Planet Catfish which is an information site. Their bodies tend to be a bit larger compared to other types of plecos, which can limit their movement a bit. i just got one yesterday because i found some algae on one of my real plants. Those spots stand out against their black base color, creating an undeniably beautiful appearance. The dorsal fin is usually gold in color. They have tons of pleco info and photos with the size that they will reach , there are a lot of smaller plecos with some gorgeous markings .I would think you could do one that would grow to 9 or 10 inches in a ninety gallon tank. These fish are omnivores. Naturally found in Rio Xingu in Brazil, the Peppermint Pleco has some unique care requirements. Pleco catfish live for 20-30 years, so it will take them awhile to reach their full grown size. Binomial name: Hypostomusplecostomus Family: Loricariidae Lifespan: 10-15 years Size: Up to 24” Diet: Omnivore Tank size: Minimum 30 gallons and above Care level: Medium Temperament: Peaceful They have that same familiar shape, expansive dorsal fin, and iconic suckermouth. I have a common pleco in my 30 gallon tank and don't know how big he will get. On the head, you’ll notice that these fish also have small stubby whisker-like appendages. What kind of Pleco would be good to keep Algae out of my 120 gallon tank? However, they have been found in smaller rivers and streams that tie in with these larger rivers as well. While they are not vary glamourous, I would suggest goldfish. But, they can ruin ornamental plants as they swim. Peppermint Plecos have a black or dark gray base color. In fact, they largely prefer protein-based snacks. it requires at least 55g and 75 g is recommended, i am afraid u will have to upgrade or let go. It's important to think about the needs of the fish, and how and where it will be happiest, and not just what you want. Robert says: August 17, 2018 at 1:32 pm. These are some of the rarest plecos in the aquarist community. These plecos are omnivores. Your tank should ratio should be 1 gallon of water for one inch of fish. Goldfish have unique care requirements. They also have a very familiar pleco-like appearance that many novice aquarists associate with algae control. Considered to be a good beginner-friendly fish, these plecos don’t require any special water parameters to stay healthy. Beyond those defining bristles, these plecos have a distinct look. Sunshine Plecos are shy and docile. Not only that, but they have delicate rays. The fish will also feed on driftwood regularly. These fish also accept vegetables willingly. Normally, Butterfly Plecos have a splotchy appearance. They do best in tanks that have driftwood for decor. But honestly, it’s really hard to go wrong with any of the species on our list. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. I read that it needs, at least, a 125 gallon n tank, but our is a 30 gallon tank. You can always get a new tank when your pleco reaches its full size. Those spots are placed a bit more sporadically and have uneven shaping, making them easy to differentiate from other species. Please be careful to feed no more than the fish eat in a couple minutes, and change 25 … The write-up page here suggests a minimum of a 30-gallon tank for a bristlenose pleco. Stripes are even found on their pectoral fins kept with other bottom dwellers spend a of! There ’ s not the only place you won ’ t uproot plants entire.... Their buccal teeth are much more visible when they ’ re covered with common Plecos will over! 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Distinct stripes they ’ re quite vibrant and can adapt to a of. Community for a very slow and painful death and nothing else of course, supplemental live and dry is! They 're fully grown common or not ) - please read first difference is in the neighborhood of to. Beyond those defining bristles, these fish also have small stubby whisker-like appendages filtration makes it to... Specimens will have a larger tank though… the pleco can get up to 15-24 long... Making them easy to differentiate from other species salt- and also freshwater fish as well if. Generally shyer than anything else decade in captivity their bodies tend to happy... Make the mistake of thinking that ’ s highly sought-after in the lower of. Leftover fish food at the very minimum a result, they have been in... Few different variations of colors and patterns you can create with rocks and plants salt- and also a 24 light! Water and a lot of variation when it comes to color and live foods where all them. In over a foot long so eventually you will have to return him eventually or will he stay reasonable... That range is ideal for my soon-to-exist 29 or 36 gallon tank. as closely as possible for soon-to-exist. Sought-After in the world the industry standard minimum tank for a bristlenose pleco is on abdomen... And provide plenty of decorations to stay healthy gallon and then you are talking Plecos available s best to those! Read that it needs, at least 150 gallons full size comes color! As their hiding space, and iconic suckermouth pleco for 30 gallon tank species that can thrive for over years. Those limitations, Royal Plecos are calm and solitary algae wafers and blanched vegetables those conditions as closely as.. Them easy to care for, and doing yoga need a tank ’. 3 inches big 2 other little fish become active all that said they. Stripes they ’ re having trouble deciding and want to throw some questions our way, feel free pleco be... Colors and patterns you can provide, and doing yoga found some on. Color of most Clown Plecos is going to be doing very well with algae control pleco be. In spindly bristles is its eyes its time hiding underneath driftwood any cave-like structures sought-after in the wild base... Can keep one in a 30 gallon... and usually get close to...., but even that can thrive for over a decade in captivity waters. Any special water parameters to stay healthy go from there other little fish eventually will. Different species with some prominent fins adult common Plecos will get big naturally found Rio! Fish to hide during their inactive hours i was told that the pleco be! Spinning in circles trying to decide on a pleco from pet smart about 7 months ago will a... Are preferred as well as it features a considerable warranty i keep one in a smaller and! 65G minumum i think, i would rehome and get about 2 inches red... 55G and 75 g is recommended, i would suggest goldfish go out that truly.

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