celebrity endorsement journal

8 No. 15-30. Ghodeswar, B.M. In the context of a reality show, if the coach – an established celebrity endorser – is perceived as someone who considers all candidates as favorites, indiscriminately, this endorsement to the aspiring celebrity may lose its strength. (2003), “The marketing advantages of strong brands”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 33 No. (1992), “The role of expectancy and relevancy in memory for verbal and visual information: what is incongruency?”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. Participants who chose correctly associated the candidate with his or her celebrity coach (“endorsement”). 57-78. The marketing advantages of strong brands, An examination on multiple celebrity endorsers in advertising, Race and gender effects on consumer identification of products with celebrities endorsers, Effects of multiple endorsements and consumer-celebrity attachment on attitude and purchase intention, Physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser: a social adaptation perspective, Celebrity advertising a review and synthesis, Celebrity endorsements and beyond: new avenues for celebrity branding, Brands and branding: research findings and future priorities, Effects of celebrity athlete endorsement on attitude towards the product: the role of credibility, attractiveness and the concept of congruence, International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements: a meta-analysis, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, The moderating role of celebrity worship on attitudes toward celebrity brand extensions, When bad things happen to the endorsers of good products, Dilution and enhancement of celebrity brands through sequential movie releases, Who is the celebrity endorser? If the celebrity endorser is careful in his or her statements of favoritism, the power of endorsement remains. 411-454. 2, pp. Study 4 was conducted with 236 viewers of the show, with an average age of 30.6 (18-58). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of an “acclaimed” celebrity endorsement effect in a context where the endorsed object is another person – more specifically, an aspiring new celebrity. 11 No. Enhancing Brand Credibility Via Celebrity Endorsement, The Dual Entertainment Theory In Celebrity Endorsements, How a Smile Can Make a Difference: Enhancing the Persuasive Appeal Of Celebrity Endorsers, The Market Value Of Celebrity Endorsement, Matching Product Attributes To Celebrities Who Reinforce the Brand, The Secret Sauce for Super Bowl Advertising, The Economic Value of Celebrity Endorsements, Assessing Celebrity Endorsement Effects in China, The Ethics of Celebrity–Athlete Endorsement. 4, pp. Kahle, L. and Homer, P.M. (1985), “Physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser: a social adaptation perspective”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. Aaker, D. (1991), Managing Brand Equity, The Free Press, New York, NY. Rust, R., Lemon, K. and Zeithalml, V. (2004), “Return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46-54. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the endorsement and its effect enhanced by a contextual variable, in this case, the charisma of the endorser. 533-547. 53 No. 56-62. It can be conceptualized that established celebrities eventually “lend” their images to candidates who choose them as mentors. 14 No. (2008), “Building brand identity in competitive markets”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 70 No. Regarding the assessment of the celebrity, respondents were divided by the median to form the two groups (well evaluated celebrity vs poorly evaluated celebrity). JAR is published four times a year for the Advertising Research Foundation by WARC. 13 No. Langmeye, L., Walker, M. (1991), A first step to identify the meaning in celebrity endorsers, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Sherman, S. P. (1985, August 19). All these four elements combine to make up celebrity endorsement. Also, they may create new products and extend their product lines (Kowalczyk and Royne, 2013; Luo et al., 2010). (Kambitsis et al, 2002). 4, pp. From a practitioner standpoint, reality shows such as The Voice and other similar formats can be seen as a source of potential future celebrities. A larger JAR archive is accessible at WARC, alongside case studies, best practice guides, marketing intelligence, consumer insight, industry trends and latest news from around the world. 4 No. (2007), “Effects of celebrity athlete endorsement on attitude towards the product: the role of credibility, attractiveness and the concept of congruence”, International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol. 16 No. Celebrity endorsement research questionnaire is very useful for gathering the essential feedback through different sources to finalize a most popular celebrity. Rumschisky (2009) found that people are willing to pay up to 20 per cent more for a product, depending on who endorses it, generating greater revenues for the company. Um, N.-H. (2013), “Celebrity scandal fallout: how attribution style can protect the sponsor”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. This result is interesting and contributes to studies about brand (Silva et al., 2015), and in particular those focused on the possible effects of the brand on endorsers (Thomas and Fowler, 2015). Celebrity endorsement, self-brand connection and consumer-based brand equity. Series on free and subscription TV channels; comedy and music programs on YouTube; and reality shows based on simulations of real-life events such as musical and sporting competitions, have captivated audiences, making room for actors, musicians, athletes and participants in these reality shows to be considered aspiring celebrities, thus achieving certain social recognition. (1990), “Celebrity spokesperson and brand congruence, an assessment of recall and affect”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. There was no difference in the evaluation of the weak participant (worst evaluated) concerning the congruence level with the endorser celebrity. Celebrity Endorsement is viewed as a billion dollar industry in today’s era. Studies on celebrity overexposure in the media also show that, even if there is congruence between brand and celebrity, the more products that are endorsed by a single celebrity, the less effective the endorsement is to the brand (Kaikati, 1987). Consumers generally perceive and react to stimuli generated by people just as they do in relation to brands. Advertisements featuring celebrities tend to increase the value of the company on the stock exchange, as such advertisements also influence investors’ perceptions of the endorsed company (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995). Keeping Up With The Evolving World Of Celebrity Endorsement. Celebrities in advertising: looking for congruence or likability? On the other hand, previous studies already showed that stronger candidates may have already established their image, thereby moderating the overexposure effect of his or her coach. ABSTRACT: Celebrity endorsement is a widely used tactic in marketing and a useful way of pushing a product in crowded markets, much research has been done on the selection and effect of celebrity endorsement. 41 No. Traditionally, the concept of celebrity can be understood as a well-known person recognized by the public and considered a role model for society (McCracken, 1989), due to professional competences or physical appearance (Kahle and Homer, 1985). In addition, for consumers, product quality is not necessarily related to the technical characteristics of the product, but to an intangible assessment of the brand in question, thereby turning the brand into a key element in the process of purchase decisions (Hoeffler and Keller, 2003). Alba, J.W. (2011), “Effects of multiple endorsements and consumer-celebrity attachment on attitude and purchase intention”, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol. For example, in Study 2, the endorser’s charisma (celebrity character) did not change the endorsee’s evaluation. On the other hand, the weakest candidate (worst evaluated brand) was better evaluated when the endorsing celebrity coach was rated as having a positive image by the participant, rather than a negative image, confirming H2 of this study. Boosted by celebrity endorsements and a controversial research program, clinics are peddling stem cell autism treatments questioned by experts Tom Porter Jan 13, 2021, 17:48 IST 19 No. For data analysis, we used ANOVA and ANCOVA. List of Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign celebrity endorsements. A brand aims, among other factors, to differentiate the product from other offerings and to add value, contributing to achieving competitive advantage (Keller and Lehmann, 2006; Aaker, 1991). 1, pp. In addition, by developing their own image and reputation, aspiring new celebrities are less subject to influence from the endorser. 4, pp. 5, pp. In a sense, celebrity endorsement strategy can be a two-edged sword, which makes selecting a celebrity endorser from innumerable altematives in the presence of potential pitfalls very challenging. 209-234. Another common fact within the historical context in risk strategy is the loss of relevance that celebrities can suffer with the media after the endorsement contract has been signed (Luo et al., 2010). Such a questionnaire can be conducted in the form of an open public poll and online survey. 2, pp. For data analysis, we used ANOVA. 10 No. An exploratory study in celebrity endorsements. However, it is important to notice that when the aspiring new celebrity is successful in rapidly developing a strong image for the audience, this has the same effect as a strong brand, thereby moderating the negative effect of an endorsement by an overexposed celebrity. © 2021 the Journal of Advertising Research. The effects of juxtaposing environmental messages with violent images of shark attacks, The impact of celebrity spokespersons’ perceived image on consumers’ intention to purchase, How marketers can use celebrities to sell more effectively, To use the obvious choice: investigating the relative effectiveness of an overexposed celebrity, Multiple endorsers and multiple endorsements: the influence of message repetition, source congruence and involvement on brand attitudes, Being a celebrity: a phenomenology of fame, The value of using famous personalities in advertising communications: a quantitative analysis of prices for a fashionable product, Return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy, The brand’s effect on the evaluation of advertising endorsed by celebrities: an experimental study. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. Kaikati, J.G. Regarding the strongest candidate, the evaluation was the same regardless of congruence with celebrity endorser. 1, pp. In conclusion, it is proposed that celebrity endorsements in-fluence consumers’ cognitions including attention and in-terest, awareness, as well as perceptions. Other studies (Subhadip, 2012; Ilicic and Webster, 2011; Hsu and Mcdonald, 2002; Tripp et al., 1994) show that there is a negative influence on the perception of credibility of the endorser, attitude toward the ad and intention to purchase products endorsed by overexposed celebrities, once the credibility of the celebrity and the validity of his or her appeal becomes questionable (Carrillat et al., 2013). 475-492. 18, No. 1, pp. To assess the candidates, we used scales to measure an intention to consume music (α = 0.908) and performance in the program (α = 0.925). McCracken, G. (1989), “Who is the celebrity endorser? Thomas, V.L. How can celebrities be used in advertising to the best advantage? Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (3), 310. doi:10.1086/209217 Muda, M., Musa, R., Mohamed, R. N., & Borhan, H. (2014). 195-231. Also, several authors have investigated a series of related factors, such as the effect of celebrity endorsement on product recall, the effect of the credibility and expertise of the celebrity endorsement and the effect of celebrity image (Amos et al., 2008). As in Studies 2 and 3, Sam Alves was used as the strong contender and Gabby Moura as the weak candidate. The authors demonstrated that the differences found in the studies may have occurred due to moderating variables, such as the endorser type (Wei and Lu, 2013), congruence (Silva et al., 2015) or endorser sex (Bergkvist and Zhou, 2016). First, the endorsing celebrity’s charisma influences the evaluation of the endorsed new celebrity. This result demonstrates how the endorsement effect can be complex. Celebrity is also perceived to be more credible and trustworthy to be representing a brand that is specifically matched with the celebrity’s image. 3, pp. 1, pp. © 2018, Otávio Freire, Filipe Quevedo-Silva, Diego Senise and Pedro Scrivano. Silva, L.A., Lopes, E.L., Freire, O. and Silva, D. (2015), “The brand’s effect on the evaluation of advertising endorsed by celebrities: an experimental study”, Brazilian Business Review, Vol. Because the contestants are aspiring celebrities and unknown to the public up to that point, being associated with a celebrity with an established image can improve their assessment. 954-961. 47 No. The instrument was similar to that used in previous studies. Recognized brands are considered superior and better evaluated than unrecognized brands or more poorly evaluated brands, with or without the use of celebrity endorsement (Silva et al., 2015). 2, pp. Hoeffler, S. and Keller, K.L. Credibility refers to the confidence that the celebrity conveys to the public; expertise is linked to the knowledge and experience that the endorser has on a certain subject; and attractiveness is associated with physical appearance, beauty and sympathetic nature. In a reality show, candidates are aspiring celebrities and are also building their images and their brands (Keel and Nataraajan, 2012), some with more ownership and competence than others. Manipulation check confirmed that Sam Alves is perceived as stronger than Gabby Moura [MSam Alves = 5.5 (1.6) and = MGabby Morua 4.5 (1.6); p < 0.01], and that participants in the congruent scenario evaluated the celebrity as more congruent with the candidate than participants in the incongruent setting [MCongruent Endorser = 4.9 (2.1) and MIncongruent Endorser = 3.9 (2.0); p < 0.01]. 2, pp. Also, participants in the overexposed celebrity condition perceived more over-exposure when compared to the participants in the not overexposed condition [MCelebrity Overexposed = 4.6 (1.8) and MCelebrity Not Overexposed = 3.4 (1.7); p < 0.01]. and Rifon, N.J. (2012), “It is a match: the impact of congruence between celebrity image and consumer ideal self on endorsement effectiveness”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. For example, in one of the scenarios, the text emphasized how candidate and coach shared the same musical style. and Childers, T.L. Study 2 analyzes the brand and charisma effects, Study 3 analyzes the congruence between celebrities and Study 4 analyzes the exposure level of the endorser celebrity. The final sample of Study 2 was 152 individuals. Despite the generally positive aspects of endorsement on the evaluation of general products, as has been verified in other studies (Choi and Rifon, 2012; Silva et al., 2015), in some cases celebrities cannot substantially help promote products (Knoll and Matthes, 2017; Sliburyte, 2009). 29 No. Despite the generally positive aspects of endorsement on the evaluation of products, which has been verified in other studies (Silva et al., 2015; Ambroise et al., 2014), in some cases, celebrities cannot substantially help promote products (Sliburyte, 2009). 12 No. 45 No. 21 No. In line with studies on overexposure of celebrity endorsers, we developed H6 and H7 for this study: A weak candidate (worst rated) endorsed by an overexposed celebrity will be evaluated worse than a weak candidate endorsed by celebrity without overexposure. R., Homer, P. M. (1985), Physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser: A social adaptation perspective, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. Respondents evaluated the candidate using a Likert scale ranging from 1 (Completely Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree) points. Marketers consider the featuring of celebrities in ads a magnet that attracts consumers to the brand through glamor. Overall, with this paper, the authors contribute to the knowledge of celebrity endorsement, to fill the gap pointed out in recent studies in the field over the effectiveness of this effect, and above all the moderator variables that can influence or even annul this effect (Knoll and Matthes, 2017; Amos, et al., 2008). 2, pp. (2009), “The value of using famous personalities in advertising communications: a quantitative analysis of prices for a fashionable product”, available at: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/celebrity-advertising-what-is-the-roi/ (accessed 10 July 2014). Traditionally, the concept of celebrity can be understood as a person who is recognized by the public and considered to be a role model for society (McCracken, 1989), due to his or her professional competence or beauty (Kahle and Homer, 1985). According to the authors, a well-evaluated, recognizable brand does not need celebrity endorsement because the effect of such endorsement would not add significant value to brands perceived as strong by consumers. Dr Vipul Jain Abstract : The practice of celebrities being used for rendering services other than performing their actual job as either an actor or an athlete, such as endorsements has proliferated over time. Relevance reflects the extent to which the stimulus information contributes to a clear identification of the theme or main message being communicated (Heckler and Childers, 1992). Batra, R. and Homer, P.M. (2004), “The situational impact of brand image beliefs”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 3, pp. Another dimension of the endorsement effect is the influence that the brand has on this phenomenon. This effect was observed both on intention to consume his music (positive Mwith Well Evaluated Celebrity = 5.8 (1.3) and Mwith Poorly Evaluated Celebrity = 5.4 (1.4); p = NS) and performance in the program (Mwith Well Evaluated Celebrity = 5.1 (1.7) and Mwith Poorly Evaluated Celebrity = 4.6 (1.7); p = NS), regardless of the attitude toward the celebrity endorser, confirming H3 (Figure 2). The impact of these events is directly reflected in the company’s stock returns. To operationalize the study, the authors chose the phenomenon of reality shows which, along with other new media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, have attracted huge audiences, allowing and contributing to the emergence of new celebrities (Keel and Nataraajan, 2012). 18 No. The evaluation of a strong candidate (best rated) does not depend on congruence with the celebrity endorser. For this study, we used a full factorial design between subjects, 2 (candidates: Strong vs Weak) × 2 (Celebrity Endorser: Overexposed vs Not Overexposed). Spry, A., Pappu, R. and Cornwell, T.B. In accordance with the hypothesis of Study 1, the aspiring candidates for becoming a new celebrity were evaluated more favorably when they were endorsed by an established celebrity (their coach or technical advisor during the program), both for the intention to consume their music (Mwith endorsement = 5.8 (1.4) and = Mwithout endorsement 5.2 (1.3); p < 0.05), and performance in the program (Mwith endorsement = 5.3 (1.6) and Mwithout endorsement = 4.4 (1.7); p < 0.01) (Figure 1). 4, pp. Ilicic, J. and Webster, C.M. and Lehmann, D.R. On Marketing Contributor. Manipulation check confirmed that Sam Alves is perceived as a stronger candidate than Gabby Moura [MSam Alves = 5.6 (1.5) and MGabby Moura = 4.7 (1.5); p < 0.01]. This happens for both evaluation in the program and intention to consume the candidate’s products, demonstrating the effectiveness of the endorsement and its greater importance in cases in which the new celebrity has not yet established a strong image. What to do when celebrity endorsements go bad, It is a match: the impact of congruence between celebrity image and consumer ideal self on endorsement effectiveness, Effects of endorser types in political endorsement advertising, Selecting celebrity endorsers: the practitioner’s perspective. Various companies are signing deals with celebrities in the hope that by using celebrities they can accomplish a unique and relevant position in the minds of the consumers. They are divided into teams led by established singers who act as coaches. This article focuses on five aspects: to examine the present status of literature available on the effec... Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behaviour in the State of Goa - Karuna Krishna Gauns, Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran Pillai, Kaustubh Kamat, Ruey Feng Chen, Ling-Chen Chang, 2018. Despite the positive aspects of endorsements, the use of celebrities in campaigns may or may not be effective (Misra and Beatty, 1990). 22, pp. 35 No. In addition, when considering the scenario where the endorsing celebrity has a positive image, the evaluation of the weak endorsed candidate rises to the same level as the strong participant. Through glamor Moura as the weak candidate a bite out of shark attacks ”, European of... Influence that the use of celebrities in Advertising: looking for congruence likability. 5 ), celebrity charisma did not change the overall assessment ouville, E. and Willis T.H. Adapted attitude scale ( α = 0.986 ) in here.You can also find more... This study was 176 spectators instrument presented stimuli for manipulation these four elements combine make. Keeping up with the celebrity endorser overexposure affects the evaluation of aspiring celebrities are! 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