seer of rage powers

With the naturally destructive powers that come with their class, they could be an extreme force for good or evil as with every Witch. Sylph of Doom. The witch can also help people cope with their negative emotions in order to help them cope with the loss associated with sburb. As a Seer, your main duty focuses around guiding the group on its best path to victory. This consumes 3 rounds of the beastmaster’s daily allotment of rage rounds, but the beastmaster can maintain the rage each round on his turn normally. Insight Into Their Rage: The Seer can focus on a target to gain insight into one of their emotional states covered under the Rage aspect, Such as what they fear or angers them, What they are doubting or something they wish to defy. they can also manipulate rage which can help bring an enemy that relies on its rage to fight down to a more manageable level. The powers of a witch would be literally manipulating emotions, in battle they can decrease enemies morale while increasing their teams. Mages also can have slight manipulation of their aspect so they can alter the flow of time for enemies and freeze them in time or speed themselves or enemies up. At lower levels they could meld into dark emotions. Take this all with a grain of salt however because as said by kanaya sometimes sburb gives people a classpect that doesnt make any sort of sense at all and is the exact opposite of their personality in order to pose a threat. Ping! Fear-increase chance of fleeing. This is true at some extent, since because of Damara many relationships changed. Witch of void and knight of light are almost polar opposites, this can cause them to be the best of friends or the worst of enemies and they tend to switch between the two, one second they’re at each other’s throats and 2 seconds later they’re best friends when they’re getting along their personalities compliment eachother, where the other one fails the other one can succeed and vice versa. Seer of Life. They know this primarily through watching … Powers of a rogue of time would be they could literally steal time, they could steal parts of a person’s life span and give it to themselves or others. Class:The Prince is a destroyer class, and destroys their aspect. They’d be somewhat helpful to the team, depending on how they used their powers. That po… Assuming the first statement above, the MoR would be able to sense when people are getting irate and angry, and they’d probably also be able to use their anger to intimidate really successfully!The second statement could mean that your powers include making people angry, sending them blind with rage (very useful in a fight, but could cause the enemy to be more powerful), or even be able to send someone to insanity and make them unstable and tunnel-visioned on a certain idea.Finally, being protected from your aspect could mean that you just don’t get angry, sad, and your mental stability is constant (you’d have extremely good mental fortitude!). Sylphs: 8. Witch of Rage (Manipulates Rage, or Manipulates Through Rage): The Witch of Rage is the Active half of the Manipulation category, their counterpart/Grimdark self being the Seer of Hope (Invites Understanding of Hope, or Invites Understanding Through Hope). This would be very useful, especially in a stressful game like Sburb/Sgrub! If I ever reblog something of yours that you don't want reblogged, please contact me and I will be happy to remove it, and/or refrain from reblogging anything from you in the future, at your request. Insight Into Their Rage: The Seer can focus on a target to gain insight into one of their emotional states covered under the Rage aspect, Such as what they fear or angers them, What they are doubting or something they wish to defy. They’re naturally … The Seer of Hope would invert to a Witch of Rage, or one who manipulates and changes rage. :P If you enjoyed this video then please like and share it. They’d be able to strengthen themself by stealing Rage, up until the point where they might go into some hyper-angry mode that grants them majorly enhanced muscles. They are the central benefit of the Archaeology skill. They keep the other teammates in check and make sure they aren’t at each other’s throats all the time. When the Prince first starts to use this power it would be like any standard Rage berserker mode. Rogues steal things and give them to themself others and blood is the aspect of friendship, brotherhood, bonds, and commitment. like most rage players they aren’t trying to be mean it just kind of happens sometimes they’re aware of it though and can calm down but other times it comes out full force whether they want it to or not. I must remind you that teleporting is a consequence of Bequerel’s First Guardian powers. Rogue of Rage Rogue of Space Rogue of Time Rogue of Void (Roxy) Rogue of Fear Rogue of Zen. Any thoughts on a Mage of Blood? they don’t really need a reason either they’re just angry no matter what and sometimes they act out on this anger. Powers:As the Mage of Rage there are a few speculated powers you’re going to have. Seer-Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. That makes them the active counterpart of Seers, who also know their aspect, but just guide with their knowledge as passive players. The aspect of blood is the aspect of brotherhood, bonds and friendship. an idea I had for a fraymotif for these two would be a void that sucks in enemies but also shoots out laser beams and then explodes with a blinding flash of light. Page Of Rage Oh my. They can also increase the anger of their team in order to make their attacks stronger and more effective. This is my first analysis so idk how good it is but I hope it helped, Something I forgot to add here, a witch of heart can also manipulate souls so interpret that as you will, Rogue of blood is a very interesting classpect combo but I’ll do my best. As the Witch progresses they could also redirect fear, allowing them to pacify enemies with extreme fear or make allies fearless. The Prince of Light would also have the ability to destroy luck and fortune. Powers: As the Mage of Rage there are a few speculated powers you’re going to have. The Seer Of Breath is one who sees freedom, action, and the nature of the wind. I can't get info on mages so it would be nice to know! s I just stated the rogue of blood isn’t the best combat class, but if you get one in combat they certainly aren’t useless, as they can make their enemies teamwork fall apart while their team would work flawlessly together. Hey, can you do an analysis of the powers for a Rogue of Blood? See, this is a bit tricky. To push forward. if you take on someone like this in battle they’ll basically rip you to shreds in a few blows. A mage of blood would know exactly what it means to be a good friend, they might not always act like it but they at least know what it means. In terms of powers, I think we can all agree that the Thief of Rage is a fighter. Rage players are driven to get what they want, so as long as you work with others to help guide your focus, then you can be unstoppable! Conversely, as much as your instinct as a Seer may tell you to, let Pages - particularly ones of Rage - grow on their own, if you make it easier for them, the end result will be lesser. Can you explain the powers and personality of a Mage of Time? Rage: Anger and Fear, Focus on one idea to the exclusion of all others, they also might get a little annoyed when people don’t do what they say but they wont be TOO angry about it. As always, the higher up the echeladder, the further ahead and more complex they can make their plans. Listen to Their Troubles: The Seer will find out many things from their co-players during their fits of rage or moments of doubt, While lending an ear to their troubles or being their shoulder to cry on sometimes the Seer can hear people say things they don’t even know are important. Rage focuses your mind towards a singular goal, so inciting Rage in anyone makes them focused and intense. Passion, Determination, Doubt and Defiance, Being brought down to earth. (Info under the cut.) Keep in mind you can use this single, seemingly underwhelming power to your advantage. They can use it themselves and tap into it to fly into a berserker-like rage that is fearsome to … Since the Prince of Rage would destroy with rage, they could go into a deep, unstoppable fury. Tempered Focus: The Seer can improve their ability to learn and research by focusing using Rage and make incredible breaktroughs from sheer persistence but they become incredibly stubborn to take an intrest in anything else until they decide to drop the subject themselves. Send me a picture or description of yourself and I'll draw you in your god tier! Divert Oncoming Anger: The Seer recieves predictions of dangerous Personality:A mage of time is someone who understands time, they’re someone who has everything they’re doing printed out on a schedule and they can figure out approximately how long certain things will take them. One who passively destroys anger, fear, and instincts through anger, fear, and instincts. They need to see the limits of your hope. if you take on someone like this in battle they’ll basically rip you to shreds in a few blows. I do not do class analyses myself, nor do I take requests about sessions, relationships, fan trolls/kids, fan session, weapons, lands, fights, etc of any kind. Powers: As the Mage of Rage there are a few speculated powers you’re going to have. If a Mage of Rage … They’re glad that they finally get to go out and do something. A mage of time would hardly ever be late for anything and know how to avoid conflicting schedules. They forget it in a flash! This does not grant additional abilities. They’d give off very, very negative vibes. Seer of Space. The Seer of Rage would be one who Knows Rage for Others. People find out something you’d rather keep a secret? Bard of Rage. They would probably be more interested in keeping themselves to themselves and staying out of other people’s  business. Seer of Doom. [[MORE]] … Rogue of blood isn’t exactly a battle class, but that’s okay a rogue of blood rather than fighting would be making sure that if 2 players in their session were at each other’s throats they would be able to resolve their issues. “Welcome to the Dark Carnival, brother!” Bard- passively destroy their … Oh my. Rose also makes the Suburb walkthrough, showing that she has ‘control’ over information.Light players are generally interested in history and discovery to quite a high degree, however due to the class being a Prince, they would be lacking in their aspect, generally showing the opposite (such as Eridan being angry and hopeless, more like a rage player, and Dirk showing very little emotion and being quite straightforward and knowing what needs to be done, like a mind player). Personality: (We haven't seen much of the Rage Aspect in all its glory, so a lot of this will be mostly speculation.) If playing on a free-to-play world with members-only relic powers active, they have no effect. The prince may also be quite a prideful person, which would enforce the arrogance that comes with being a light player (Vriska thinking that she could defeat Jack, Aranea with the Condesce, and Rose thinking that she should destroy her land to ‘cheat’ the game). All members relic powers do not work on free-to-play worlds. You do know how to sweet talk a fellow. Jade has come as a great support for her friends originality. She did’t had the powers of a Seer, but she could know where and when and how to sabotage the team. Sollux is good friends with Karkat, Feferi, and Aradia and Meulin seems to be liked by pretty much everyone in her friend group.Mages are either 1> ones who gain knowledge through their aspect, 2> ones who creates their aspect, or 3> one protected from their aspect. They’d want others to feel as they do and would want their friends to be happy and would try to make them happy. Powers: An Heir of Rage inherits all the Rage. (Also, Mage of Rage is a rhyme, so it’s immediately a cool Classpect). Seer-Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. Page of Time. Their challenge is to be able to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision.A Seer of Rage might struggle with the idea that sometimes some things are really legitimately things to be afraid of or angry at. Horror- increase chance of being stunned. What they need to realize is that if nothings happening and they’re bored, that they don’t have to wait for the opportunity to appear, they can make their own. For example, you can be the best Moirail/Austispice in the world and help your pale/ashen bro(s) when you know their gonna get pissed to actually not! an heir of rage would probably be pretty angry and by pretty I mean very, they would be very angry. however when they’re angry this rush of adrenaline will cause a few things, first and foremost they wont be feeling pain for the most part, maybe a slight twinge but you could stab them and they’d react like nothing happened, this is a blessing and a curse as they can carry on fighting but they might not realize how sever their injuries are as they wont feel them. From the example of Rage … Rogue of Mind here! If you’re their friend and you need something they’ll always be there for you, provided you’re on their good side. (Love your blog so far btw, keep up the good work!!). Ask me to reblog posts about any specific classes, aspects, or titles. On its most basic and literal level, you’ll likely just be able to tell which way the wind will blow. In this case, the Prince of Light will be the destroyer of light, information, and fortune. Seer of Void. You could stop at five or six review blogs, or just one, this is a blog that tells you anything and everything you need to know about god tiers and how they works, from quadrants to lands to strife sbecibi to … I Want That Future: The Seer states a specific outcome and works backwards from that outcome to their current circumstances if it’s possible to do so. FOR ASKS: Ask me to reblog posts about any specific classes, aspects, or titles. The Witch can alter one’s battle fury to suit their desires. Seer of Heart. They could slow time down for someone and use that power to speed it up for someone else theoretically they could travel through time and steal from other doomed timelines and give it to their own potentially saving their timeline in the process. Bard of Rage The Bard of Rage. That being said, being a rage player doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person! This could lead to players not knowing their quests, accidental deaths due to the prince destroying people’s luck, and possibly everyone just giving up because they have no information on what to do. The Prince of Light, a pretty awesome and powerful classpect! They’ll be connected to plights, like an omen. The Seer knows Rage and knows because of Rage. A Seer of Rage’s could use this power as a motivator for their team or as a weapon to confuse and infuriate their enemies. If I was to define seer, then it would be someone who knows what God is doing, and is about to do, in the heavenly realm and here on the earth. The Heir of Rage can become negative emotions. 3. The inversion of a Seer of Hope is a Witch of Rage: one who actively manipulates through negative emotions, anger, and limited choices. All with 8 a’s. Rogue of Light and the Seer of Void should make an interesting team as their powers both compliment each other and work well together, Heir of Life should give the team the bonus lift that they all need, … Rage is the aspect of negative emotions, unpredictability, limited choices, and conviction. Im sorry this may not be the greatest analysis as the rogue class has always somewhat confused me but I tried my best and I might update it later. For example:The Prince of Light could literally destroy light, meaning that they could plunge the enemy into darkness, making them more vulnerable! Mage of blood, the blood aspect has always been an interesting aspect to say the least. He also creates the ~ATH code for the Mobius Double Reacharound virus and also the code for Sgrub, which both doomed all the trolls’ lusii and Sgrub destroyed their planet, dooming everyone. This could be very dangerous if the Sylp… They could change what a person is afraid of. Powers: Harnesses rage for pure destructive power. Knight of Rage SEER Seer of Breath Seer of Space Seer of Time Seer of Light Seer of Mind Seer of Heart Seer of Life Seer of Void Seer of Hope Seer of Doom Seer of Blood Seer of Rage ROGUE Rogue of … Anxiety-increase chance of missing. Sylph of Breath . 15 notes. once again I’m very sorry that this has taken me so long, theres no reason that it should’ve been this long. Thanks in advance! At high levels they could turn an enemies underlings into their own underlings and overwhelm them, they can also keep their team in check by making sure that everyone stays friends and that they’re all keeping their promises. The Prince of Rage can grant a bonus to die rolls equal to their class level divided by five to all allies within their class level multiplied by ten feet. They always give time to their friends whether it’s to help with a project or just to talk to them They’re always eager to volunteer their time to go and do something but the opportunity has to come to them, they won’t seek it out, they also never create opportunities for themselves. To Sleep I give my powers away; My will is bondsman to the dark; I sit within a helmless bark, And with my heart I muse and say: O heart, how fares it with thee now, That thou should fail from thy desire, Who scarcely darest to inquire, "What is it makes me beat so low?" Though if the … Rage has associations with religion, which is odd in that the aspect of faith, Hope, is its opposite. The Muse of Rage will either save everyone from themselves or … They’ll help you but they won’t always be happy to and will probably complain about it a few times. They’ll amplify the rage and passion within people and can extinguish any pain or fear their allies feel. Their greatest strength is their attack power, versatility, and determination, but their greatest weakness is their low self esteem and inability to accept themselves. Seers are the passive half of the Understanding class, with their counterpart being Mages. Pretty simple honestly, a seer of rage is one who predicts and foresees rage. Classpect Analysis: Thief of Rage This is a harder classpect to pin down because we’ve only seen Rage players with destructive classes, but here we go anyway. Able to tell apart the dangerous and the mad, and keep an eye on those who may be more unstable, able to parse through what seems confusing and chaotic, they may appear level-headed, if perhaps eccentric. The Rogue can draw these emotions from both allies and enemies alike, turning anyone into miniature Rage beacons. We just can theorize that: Mages know their aspect and through it, then they act with the information they obtain. This could make any fight considerable easier by making the enemy extremely unlucky, probably accidentally killing them selves!The Prince of Light, like other princes, is an incredibly powerful player. They may also guide others through violent acts, letting them know what to hit and how. Gamzee’s land was about joy, because he destroys rage. Seer of Mind. Or, you … The Page Of Rage, who journies to learn the meaning and … amounts of Rage in the near future so they may take actions to prevent As a Page, you’ll have a lousy beginning. A prophet. The Prince of Rage has the power to force someone out of a grapple, if they successfully touch them with a touch attack. Rage players are probably quite focused and passionate about a single thing, so they’re sort of a one-track mind (this is opposed to a hope player being more open to opportunities). PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats I feel like this wasn’t an in depth description of the potential powers of these two, If I find something else or something comes to mind I will reblog this post and add my thoughts to it, Shout out to my good friend @bluschooled for helping me with this one, Rogues have too much of their aspect, a rogue of time would have alot of time on their hands and sometimes they’re okay with that but other times their bored out of their skull. or exploit it. A clairvoyant. can you give me an analysis for a Rouge of Time? In battle they could make an enemies teamwork fall apart while keeping their teams teamwork in tact. Possible Ability Names: Corrode: The Bard destroys with negative emotion.At low levels the Bard's words can chip away at the will power of … Like all time players a mage of time would be able to travel through time. Minor themes of temper, spite, and base instincts. Summary The special power of a Knight of Rage is the Ultimate Jump-scare Technique. Heir of Rage powers and Personality? Seers tend to be a bit self … The inverse of a Witch of Life is a “Seer of Doom” this … However sometimes they need to realize that sadness is essential even though it’s their least favorite emotion, they also need to realize that people need time to grieve and deal with their losses and can’t always bounce back to being bright and happy. heirs become their aspect, and rage is the aspect of anger, control, dominance, and… rage, bet you didn't see that one coming. Thank you! They would be unshakable pillars of raw emotion that would be nearly impossible to stop. In the beggining, Jade was acting as her inversion, the Seer of Time. Seer of Blood . It can be seen in Eridan, prince of hope, who acts like a rage player where he is obsessed with ‘wwhite science’ and hates ‘land dwwellers’, wanting to kill them all. When a friend calls and needs help the rogue will be there in a flash because it’s not like they had anything else to do. Classpect Analysis Welcome! An evil seer of rage would use the powers to attempt to rile up their team - create conflict. Powers:Princes are generally huge offensive powerhouses! When allies lose their ability to carry on, the Sylph can hype them up and ignite the raging flames that lie dormant within their allies and themselves. Thank you :D. How about the personality and powers of a Mage of Rage? an important thing to remember is that mages also suffer from their aspect, a mage of time might overbook themselves and feel overwhelmed, never having time for them selves and hardly having free time at all. Something it is which thou hast lost, Some pleasure from thine early years. Both the class and aspect haven’t been fully explored in canon so there’s probably going to be a bit of speculation on this, especially for the powers! an heir of rages powers would fall along the lines of literally becoming the physical embodiment of rage and anger. Relic powers can be unlocked by offering various relics at the mysterious monolith. Aspect:So the light aspect revolves around the control of knowledge, information, luck, and good fortune. Hello, this is my classpect analysis blog, I’m here to answer anyone’s questions about classpect combos when it comes to personality and powers. Curious as to how much of an edge a title would give someone in a … Its counterpart is Hope. Pages: 8. (via ) Filed under Seer Hope Seer of Hope katto-the-bratto liked this p-in-hk liked this … this has taken me WAY too long and I’m deeply sorry. A Knight of Rage treads a thin line when they lash out, they could badly … It’s potential powers are on the complete opposite spectrum’s. Seer of Rage. Sylph of Hope. If you keep an eye on the prince of light, though, then they will become an amazing person on the team!~Haydn. They would be able to, in a way, get people to do whatever they wanted; trick them into doing something foolish. A mage of time could understand how certain things could affect their current timeline and might be able to spot if their timeline is doomed or not. homestuck classpects god tiers seer of hope mage of doom rogue of heart witch of rage hope seer mage doom rogue heart rage classpect relationships relationships relationship ask 9 notes … like a lot of rage players they (sometimes) have good intentions they just don’t always lead to good actions. Useful for long … also funny story knight of light (or knight of doom I’m not sure yet) is my classpect. This is a very, very diverse Classpect. Sylph of Time. Their powers are very similar, except they read a person’s emotions, rather than their thoughts. Both of these people are friendly, and generally have good relationships with people. Of course! In spite of its reputation as ‘bad’ or ‘evil’, Rage is just as necessary as any other aspect and just as likely to … An attempt to reblog all individual classpect descriptions in a single tag-sorted archive. A fully realized Heir of Rage could create a projection with many facets, all based around key parts of Rage the Heir is channeling. When a beastmaster with this rage power attempts a saving throw against a fear effect, he can enter a rage as an immediate action (as long as he would normally be able to enter rage). A Thief of Rage has the ability to steal Rage in the form of negative emotions or limited choices from enemies or allies and attribute it to themselves. Surprise friends and foes alike with this new and interesting way to make people wet themselves from fear! At medium levels th… Again, we know barely anything about them and their powers are nebulous at best.The mages we know are Sollux, Mage of Doom, and Meulin, Mage of Heart. however you need to keep in mind that fraymotifs are completely freeform and what they do is completely up to the players using them. A witch of heart would probably have a very optimistic view if life and emotions, they’d be usually come off as being happy whether they were actually happy or not. Those under the Witch’s spell could be manipulated to attack just about anything, feeling incredible anger towards what the Witch chooses. another thing that would happen is that when people are angry while fighting they don’t care if they open themselves up to attack, the heir might be powerful but they’ll be taking a lot of hits. That’s about all I can think of for now but later I’ll try and add more. Ask me anything about classes, aspects, sessions, and quadrants. Thieves are the active half of the allocation classes, with their counterpart being the passive Rogues. Rage is the power to just say no. A good seer of rage would be a mediator. The Seer The Seer is one of the most explored Classes in Homestuck, with two great canon examples, and a third rather interesting case as well. they can also calm down their teammates if need be or make them angry too. Sylph of Heart. Powers for a Seer of Rage Class: Seer -Seer abilities: Understand aspect; perceive aspect Aspect: Rage -Rage abilities: Physical stamina; kinetic energy; negative emotions Passive abilities: … They can also stop people from doing things that they promised they would do. Seers: 10. They need to learn that hope comes in only small quantities, and overdrawing from the bank will end up in a bad way. Unless otherwise … a blog where you can send your asks about classpects, I'm only going to be doing analyses about the powers and personalities of each classpect for now but later I'll do analyses about quests, planets, and maybe someday fan made classpect combos. Home >Classes >Core Classes >Barbarian >Rage Powers >Rage Powers – Paizo, Inc. > Eater of Magic (Su) Prerequisite: Barbarian 10, superstition rage power Benefit: Once per rage, when a barbarian fails … Seer of Hope Invites knowledge of hope, or invites knowledge through hope. When they’re angry, they enter a blind fury that can take aim at friends and foes alike. So on and so on. They can turn to fear, despair, and other emotions as well as guide them. Well, I stuttered a bit there. A fully realized Seer … c: Ehi, could you do the relationship and the combined powers of a Witch of Void and a Knight of Light? Sylph of Life. Seer of Blood (Kankri) Seer of Breath Seer of Doom Seer of Heart Seer of Hope Seer of Life Seer of Light (Rose) Seer of Mind (Terezi) Seer of Rage Seer of Space Seer of Time Seer of Void Seer of Fear Seer of Zen. Its counterpart its Hope, because it deals with positive emotions … They move their aspect from one … The Sylph also heals pain and fear. A power of Rage may be to go into a sort of berserker state, powers you see that would allow you to push through any barriers or obstacles in your way like paper. It’s a rather neutral title on … Also Page Of Rage is fun because it rhymes and I find that humerous. The session for a Seer of Doom would be one filled with increasing pessimism. Personality-wise, we haven’t seen a huge amount, due to both Gamzee and Kurloz being destroyer classes, so they generally act like the opposite (so they’re more like a Hope player).However we can speculate! 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